Multiple Goodwill locations are located on or near Mardi Gras parade routes and will operate under amended hours on various parade days. Please take note of the changes below.
Friday, February 21
Metairie store and ADC will both close at 5PM.
Mandeville store will close at 5PM.
Saturday, February 22
Metairie store and ADC will both close at 3PM.
Sunday, February 23
Metairie store and ADC will close at 2PM
Thursday, February 27
Metairie store and ADC will close at 4PM.
Saturday, March 1
Kenner store will close at 4PM.
Sunday, March 2
LaPlace store will be closed all day.
Metairie store and ADC will close at 3PM.
Monday, March 3
Metairie store and ADC will close at 4PM.
Tuesday, March 4
Metairie store and ADC will be closed all day.