Donations that Matter: Goodwill thrift stores donations create jobs and affordable shopping options

Donations that Matter

Find a Thrift Store: Goodwill thrift stores create jobs and affordable shopping options

Find a Thrift Store

Goodwill Technical College:Occupational education for better self-sufficiency and quality of life

Technical College

Disability Employment:Work and skills training for people with diagnosed disabilities

Disability Employment

Facility Services: Pre-screened and fully-trained facility management crews

Facility Services

Facility Services: Don’t let a past criminal record stand between you and a job

Re-Entry Services

How Does Contributing to Goodwill Make an Impact?

While many charitable organizations focus on handouts, Goodwill focuses your donations on handups. Your financial and thrift store donations fund programs that help people with barriers improve their economic self-sufficiency by providing training, education, support services, and employment. By working to habilitate those in need, we turn your donations into gifts that help people for the rest of their lives.

Our Mission:

Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Louisiana, Inc. offers opportunities to people with employment barriers to improve their economic self-sufficiency through training, education, support services, and employment.

Annual Community Impact

The amazing ways your purchases and donations help improve the community!


People received direct services


Placed in jobs


Students enrolled at Goodwill Technical College


Jobs Created Through Direct Employment


Donations Collected


Tons diverted from landfills

17 Stores

With over One Million $ in Economic Impact


Donations Collected by our first ever ADC

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